Graphic of an assembly line

I have a Printable File

  • Upload 3D File

    Go over to the Order Form Page and fill it out and attach your files.  If it is more than 3 files then fill out the form a second time.  OR you can call us at 404 219 2193. 

  • Analyze

    We will look at your 3d file and see if it is printable for free. We will create a quote for your project along with a time estimate.  The "Time" it takes to print the parts is measured and multiplied by our Price Factor.

     + Shipping if needed

    Minimum order: 75$

     **Volume Printing can save a lot!

  • Production

    The prints are done to the standards set out in the quote.  Pictures are sent before shipping to ensure all parts are done at the correct standards. Parts can be shipped via Fedex or picked up.

I need a Printable File

  • Upload Information

    Send related 3d files or 2d files along with renderings. We will look over the information sent to see if we have the capcity and expertise to create the prints.

  • Analyze and Set Goals

    We will work with you to set realistic goals on what can be expected along with the time needed. A quote will be sent with specific details. 

  • Production

    We will deliver images of the parts along the way to give you a preview.  We can also deliver one test part if there is a production run. The parts can be Fedex shipped or picked up.

Find Printable Files






WOW Buildings

** Buy your Printable Models Carefully!

Have been seeing a lot of purchased models and custom models that are not printable even though they are sold as being printable. The 3d file has to have a continuous sealed skin that creates a solid form. Just having a .STL formatted file is not enough.

Download the Zager3d PDF

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3d prints of plumbing covers
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