Picture of Steven Houtzager 3d printer

Zager 3d Printing was started  in 2016 to address some looming needs.  Firstly people were concerned that products were not being made in the United States.  People were seeing less and less made in USA labels or even designed in USA, and it was concerning.  In order for inventors and entrepreneurs to bring products to market they need every support service along the way.  One support service could be a 3d printing shop that not only printed prototypes to test out their product but also printed production runs of parts.  Time could be saved by having the service local.

Printing one or two models or prototypes is very useful, however printing 500 parts changes many things for a product.  Firstly the product can be changed much less expensively than something that uses a mold. Secondly, a mold is never needed.  And thirdly there can be more iterations of the product.

Having studied Industrial Design at Ga. Tech and also a masters level marketing at Kennesaw State, Zager3d set out to help bring their products to life and to sell them all along the way.  Btw, Zager is the dutch word for cutter and half of my last name.

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Print showing overhangs and supports
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